The 13th TKCMC Joint Law Enforcement Operation (JLEO) is scheduled to start this coming Tuesday with an official opening by the Minister of Works and Transport Hon John Mutorwa. The JLE Operation will run from the 21 November to 26 November 2023.

The day was started with law enforcements road safety officials of different member states inspecting all the oncoming and outgoing vehicles. They looked for specific items such as a the Triangle and fire extinguisher which as per Namibian law, every vehicle should carry. They also ensured that drivers are all in compliance with the traffic regulations. . The traffic officers checked for outstanding tickets and warrant of arrest. The different member states distributed educational materials on road safety.


The 13th Joint Law Enforcement Operation is hosted in Swakopmund, the Republic of Namibia by the 3 member states (Botswana, Namibia & South Africa).

The purpose of the enforcement is:

– ensuring seamless movement of goods and passengers in the corridor

– management of the corridor

– ensuring that the corridor is secure and safe

For his part, the Executive Director of TKCS Leslie Mlungisi Mpofu stated that the 13TH JLEO seeks to promote compliance with law enforcement along the TKC and to Increase law enforcement visibility on the corridor while promoting safety and security. Mr. Mpofu further said that the JLEO will identify areas that need harmonization between the member states. Other speakers at the launch included, Hon. Neville Andre Itopo, governor of Erongo region, Lt. General Joseph Shikongo of the Namibian Police Force, Ms. Masego Gerts Alternate Co-chair Botswana and Mr. Segodi Magotsi, Co-chair South Africa.

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