
Reducing transport costs and transit times to increase competitiveness of goods produced within the Southern African Development Community (SADC)


“working with regional organisations to develop transport development corridors”.


Simplifying and harmonizing the requirements and controls that govern the movement of goods and persons with a view to reducing transportation costs and transit times
  • Alignment of regional and national development priorities
  • Efficiency of Regional Transport Corridors
  • Capacity development for Member States
  • Develop legal/policy framework/guidelines
about TKCS


The Trans Kalahari CorridorBSecretariat (TKCS) is tripartite trans-boundary Corridor Management Institution which was established with a political and economic vision to pursue or contribute towards deeper regional integration programmes of SADC, SACU and indeed NEPAD. 

This is to be achieved by linking the port of Walvis Bay on the west coast to the port of Maputo on the east coast of Africa – Coast to Coast Corridor (C2C). The TKC connects highways of Namibia commencing at the port of Walvis Bay through Kanye and Lobatse in Botswana to South Africa mainly to the industrial heartland of the greater Gauteng.


Cross border vehicles per day


Countries Represented


Transported Tonnes daily

Simplify cross-border transactions and
customs operations along the Corridor.

logistics services

Member States

This corridor is known for providing a short transport link across the entire breadth of the Southern Africa subcontinent. Compared to the traditional southern Namibia routes to South Africa’s Gauteng, TKC cuts the distance by 400 kilometres, making it a more preferred route providing cost effective logistical advantages to users. The TKC as it is well known by users therefore provides a direct route for the increasing demand for trade between Southern Africa and Europe and the Americas.

Popular Questions About our

1. Distance related quality costs
2. Travel time
3. Predictability of transit
4. Reliability of the corridor
5. Safety and security
6. The hospitability of the route.

• Complaints should first be addressed to the office that dealt with you orginally.
• If the dispute resolution has failed you can escalate your dispute/complaint as follows:

Namibia Customs
Namibia Revenue Services
Att: Public Relations department
Private Bag 13295, Windhoek
Tel: +264 61 209 2259
Fax: +264 61 239 278
E-mail: info@namra.org.bw

Immigration: Namibia
The Permanent Secretary
Ministry of Home Affairs & Immigration
Att: The Public Relations Officer
Cohen Building, Corner of Independence and
Casino Street
Private Bag 13200
Tel: +264 61 2922 111
Fax: +264 61 2922 218

The Call Centre at: 0860 12 12 16
If you are still not satisfied contact:
SARS Service Monitoring Office (SSMO)
Tel: 0860 12 12 18
E-mail: Contact.north@sars.gov.za

BURS Public Relations & Communications
Private Bag 0013
Tel: +267 363 8000
+267 363 9112
Fax: +267 395 3101
E-mail: mmogami@burs.org.bw or comms@

Botswana Immigration
Director: Department of Immigration and
P.O. Box 942
Tel: +267-361 1300
Fax: +267-395 2996/ 391 4286
The Permanent Secretary
Ministry of Labour & Home Affairs
Private Bag 002
Tel: +267-361 1100

• Intends to ensure that public expectations of service delivery are matched by achievable and measurable performance standards;
• Reflects our commitment to delivering a high standard of service to all our clients;
• Identifies our clients and the key services they can get from us;
• Reflects on the clients responsibilities and obligations;

Our roles are to:
• Facilitate the legitimate movement of goods, people and transport;
• Promoting a compliance culture;
• Ensure the effective collection of revenue;
• Managing identified client programmes; and
• Facilitate safe, timely, cost effective and seamless movement of goods, people and transport along the TKC.
• Promote trade and protect the economies of member states.
• Uphold and promote the global commitment towards protecting the enviroment by adopting sustainable governance and technologies.

• Engage in safe, secure and legitimate trade.
• Keep up to date with all changes to legislation and procedures
• Comply with all relevant legislations
• Maintain a high level of integrity
• Provide correct information and documentation when goods and/or people cross the borders
• Cooperate with Member Administrations in executing their duties
• Provide accurate and complete information as and when required
• Be honest and courteous when dealing with Member Administrations
• Commit themselves to meet legal requirements within a stipulated time
• To follow stipulated channels of communication
• Adhere to all safety measures at all times

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